Shrink-free adhesive putty wood replacement compound that can be used in any thickness in structural and decorative applications to replace, repair, extend, or fill wood and other materials.
Uses: WoodEpox is ideal for repairing, replacing, or adding to wood and most rigid surfaces, as well as to dried out, rotted or spongy wood consolidated with LiquidWood. Use on window sills, thresholds, window and door frames, columns, stair steps, balustrades, floors, capitals, moldings, doors, shutters, indoor and outdoor furniture, statues, archaeological and art restoration.
Features & Benefits: WoodEpox is a shrink-freeepoxy wood filler that replaces, repairs, extends, and fills wood and most rigid materials. It permanently bonds to most surfaces. It is chemical, water, heat, and weather resistant, and dimensionally stable. WoodEpox has a no-slump consistency and can be used in any thickness or shape for structural and decorative restoration. WoodEpox works so well because, like wood, it can be: painted, stained, drilled, carved, sawed, nailed, planed, sanded, routed, and machined.
Technical Characteristics: Mix A and B together in equal volumes until a uniform color is achieved. Hardens within one to two hours.
Lightweight 3 .8lb/gal. approx. Pot Life: 20 minutes, so mix only what you can use within that time frame. WoodEpox is 100% epoxy solids and contains no VOCs or noxious odors. GREENGUARD Certified®
This product is GreenGuard® Certified, meaning that it has been found to contain virtually no VOC’s (volatile organic compounds).
Used in conjunction with Liquid Wood which is used to restore rotted wood.